Thursday, 11 June 2009

A Lovely Day

I woke this morning to the birds singing and the sun shining, what a lovely start to the day.
My lovely friend Helen arrived at around 11am laden with lunch (we take in turns) and soon we were sitting and stitching. I am working on a design from The Gift Of Stitching, its called My Little Book Of Stitches. It has 8 pages of different designs and I am using all my oddments of silks and varigated threads, so all my pages will be different colours, some in just 2 colours some in just 1 and maybe a couple with all sorts in :o) I'm doing just what takes my fancy at the time. I will put some pictures in next time I work on it.
Helen was stitching on a needle case that she missed out on at our last Hardanger day.
Where does the time go to when you are enjoying yourself, we had done so much chatting, drinking stitching that before we knew it it was tea time, time for Helen to go home, and I hadnt even though about tea (guess who ended up having chinese) lol.
Tomorrow I am having a day with another lovely friend, Sarah. We are doing the Ladies Wot Lunch thing lol at the local pub, I do love these days out, and love seeing the children too.
I belong to a lovely online board called A Crafty Natter and as it will be 2 years old this year, we are doing a Cotton exchange, there are quite a few of us taking part and I have bought my partner something I hope she will treasure, unfortunately I cant post a piccie yet as she may read my blog but I will as soon as she has opened it.
I do love exchanges although I havent really joined in too many at all but I think I may be doing more, especially as I learn new ways of finishing things off.
Anyway enough waffle for now. I just want to thank everyone who left comments on my first post, as they were all nice ones lol


Lorna @scrapsnscribbles/letssewit said...

woohoo you did it, well done
lorna x

Dalesgirl said...

Nice page ~ most prettiful

Stitchabilities said...

Glad to hear you and Helen had a lovely day, and I hope you have a lovely day out with Sarah.
I always have to be careful when entering exchanges as sometimes I enter too many and then I struggle to stitch for myself!! LOL

Bergdatter said...

Sounds like a lovely day Colly! And even with the added bonus of "forgetting" tea, and ending with Chinese - yum!

Stitchingranny said...

Lovely friend indeed lol thats not what you say to my face.

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