Well I've finally joined the world of blogging, its taken me all morning to try and put it together and I think I like the way it looks now, but I would like to know where you all get your fancy pages from.
I have been very busy lately with designing but now I have some "me" time and you know, I dont really know what I feel like doing lol
One of my new designs is the needle case and scissor fob thats in my header photo, the other is a dressing table set that I was asked to do, thankfully the customer like it phew
I wish the weather would brighten up, its actually quite cold today I NEED SUN.
We are seeing so many baby birds on and near our feeders at the moment, I just love to see all the feather fluffing and body wiggling that they do in order to make mum notice them.
We spent £25 on a new feeder at the weekend to stop the doves from pinching all the food from the hanging table. The new one has a moveable plastic roof over the top and the little birds just love it, but the crafty collared dove has worked out that if she keeps her head down she can still get to the food, its so funny to see. I keep lowering the top and she keeps trying to get it, and at the moment she is winning, but not for much longer lol. I just looked out of the window and there are 6 goldfinches in it, they are so pretty. By the way I do feed the larger birds too, we have a large table down the garden for them, but they are so greedy they eat all theirs and then move up here.
Well thats all for today, and I'll be better at this as I go along I hope
Happy Stitching
Fantastic ~ I'm impressed ~ I'm going to enjoy this..............
Ok I have now found my password, well I changed it. Well done to you on doing a blog *HUGS*
Hey Colly, it's brilliant!
(((hugz))) Hayley x
Well done Colly, must get mine up dated too.
Well done! I can't believe you've called it Dingly Dell. I'll explain that one some time!
I, too, have a blog, but I've never written anything in it lol!
There are lots of places to get skins (the things that make the pretty pages) if you type into google but this is the one a lot of us use as its nice and easy.
any probs and I will try and help you on Thursday.
Lovely to see you blogging - welcome to a new world.
Lovely designs, Colly! I must add them to my shopping list!
You've got further than I ever have Mum, Love it ......
Well done Colly on joining the blogging world - I must join you one day (when I retire)! Looking forward to having another great blog to read every day.
Hi Colly Welcome to the world of blogging,
Welcome to the world of blogging Colly. (At long last!! LOL)You'll soon get the hang of it all as you go along. Just shout if you need any help.
Hurrah! Well done and congrats on your new blog!
I've been meaning to get a blog too, maybe when things quieten down in the summer...
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